Friday, September 24, 2021

Today's warm welcome goes out to Alex from Denver

As I strolled (I mean, Donner strolled, I pushed) with Donner on the Waterfront tonight after our evening pupuccinos, Cappupuccino  for me and Puppupuccino for Donner, we were stopped in our tracks by the delightful Alex from Denver, in town for a photography tour with her friends, who simply had to get a photo of Donner in his RV. As usually happens when we meet dog and nature lovers, one story led to another, led to another, and led to still another.  Despite the “Solitudiem” on our patch, this is one of the very reasons I take our road trips, to meet like-minded people all over this vast, beautiful  North American continent, from DC to Northwest River in Labrador, to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories, Deadhorse on the Arctic Ocean in Alaska, to Death Valley, Denali, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, the deserts of California, Nevada and Utah,  on the Colorado, Mississippi and Youkon rivers, and all the wonderful camps snd bivouacs in between those boundaries of the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans.  I think I covered all of those great places and more in my sermon with Alex and her charming friends.  If I cannot take a road trip this year like I am wont to do, sharing the memories of those trips is just as good as far as I am concerned.  Alex and her friends were each rewarded a coveted patch for their enthusiastic reception to our stories.

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