Thursday, December 21, 2017

A double welcome day, today.

It seems that every time I plan a 20-minute walk with Donner, I have to plan on one hour since I am unable to resist the longing looks on the faces of some passers-by, longing to pet Donner.  I wish I knew what the secret is to his appeal. Today’s welcome, or shout-out in current jargon, is actually a double one.


The first welcome goes out to two extremely well-behaved kids with the pleasant names of Toby and Hannah whose faces from 10 feet away revealed that they wanted do pet Donner, and they did, but only after they asked their lovely nanny Lena, and then me, for permission.  All three were awarded on the spot coveted On the Road patches for their compassion toward animals.


No sooner did I release Downer from Hanna’s and Toby’s affectionate clutches, I encounteedr two loverly, smart college girls, Nia and Yasi, whose faces also betrayed their desire for some quality dog-petty moments.  After minutes of good conversation and their smothering Donner with affection, they too were awarded On the Road patches.


Another 20-minute walk that morped into 90 minutes.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dina and Rooney

Today's welcome goes out to Dina and her sweet, nine-year old hound, Rooney. Rooney, too, is a rescued dog who was more interested in her favorite smelling spots in the park than in greeting Donner. So Donner could only dream of what might have been.