Monday, August 12, 2019

Today’s welcome...Mercedes

Today's welcome...Mercedes

Today's warm welcome goes out to Mercedes, the proud guardian of it least one German shepherd. Mercedes is one of the devoted baristas at Starbucks on the waterfront who have been supplying Donner with his daily fix of puppuccinos. Both for her guardianship of a GSD and her role as a fixer of puppuccinos, she was awarded a coveted OTR patch

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Warm welcome to Liz

Today's warm welcome (a.k.a. shout out) goes out to Liz and her cousins from New Jersey and Staten Island. Liz saw Donner near his waterfront hangout at Starbucks and immediately betrayed her love of dogs.She herself has a dog named Duke, also a rescued dog. For her betrayal of for affection for dogs, Liz was awarded a coveted OTR patch.

Ed and Diane are