Saturday, July 13, 2019

Welcome to the Ham family

Tonight's warm welcome goes out to the Ham family, from northern Ireland, in DC for a visit. If ever there existed an enthusiastic dog family, the Hams for it. Besides their two dogs, we ran out of time describing the rest of their animal kingdom back home.

Safe travels back home.

Ed and Donner

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hello Laurie and Megan

Thanks for stopping by this morning to dote over Donner. I am sure he appreciated it. Good luck to the two of you.

Ed and Donner

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Welcome to Mark an El

Tonight's warm welcome goes out to Mark and his daughter El from the San Francisco area.They are in town to attend to some of the El's soccer gigs. As I emerged from Starbucks tonight, I found two of them doting over Donner, who had been otherwise patiently waiting for his treat. They themselves are the proud guardians of two beautiful golden retrievers, which probably explains their ease of showing affection towards Donner. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Hello Kathleen

Today's Welcome goes out to Kathleen from Los Angeles and her spunky three-year-old German Shepherd named Sigmund.

Thanks for your attention to Donner.

Ed and Donner