Sunday, September 3, 2017

Lena & Menola and Ava

... LENA  and her beautiful white cocker spaniel (?) MENOLA who greeted us this morning at what has become my off-the-road morning office, Starbucks on the Washington Harbor.  Thank you for showing such compassion toward Donner on account of his past life as Thunder, including your willingness to bring Menola closer to Donner to let him experience the friendship of a dog, and such a pretty dog at that.  Donner, by the way, first caught Menola's reflection in the Starbuck's glass door and could not take his eyes off “her” until she appeared in reality a few minutes later just a few feet from him around the nearby planter.  Then, for the next five minutes, his eyes and attention darted back and forth between the two Menolas as Donner tried to figure out which Menola was prettier, or perhaps the greater threat to his space.

 Also, another welcome goes out to a beautiful 4-year old (?) blonde girl named AVA who is the closest double for a 4-year old Shirley Temple I have ever seen, and I knew Shirley Temple.  Ava was awestruck by Donner in the calmest, most serene way I have ever seen before. It was almost as if she was thinking, he is a good dog, I am a good girl, and so it is my duty to pet him.

 Needless to say, Lena and Ava were both rewarded coveted On The Road patches for their affection for animals, in this case, Donner. Ava, bless her heart, after holding the patch for a few seconds, handed it back to me as if saying, this couldn't possibly be for me.  It was for her, and I returned it to her.

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