Friday, May 21, 2021

Welcome to Camilo and Lena

It was great meeting you. And thanks for your comments about Donner.  You will see his story on one of the buttons on the main blog page.


Soon, I will start to write up  my backpacking trips from the 90s in Alaska and Russia and early OTR (On The Road) trips. The first road trip was featured in two National Geographic cover stories, as you will see.


Your question was perhaps the most profund question anyone has ever asked me about these trips I make.  Few people have the capability to look at someone else’s experiences and then at themselves in the future  and wonder, if I do not do this now, will I regret it?  Take it from someone who does have those regrets. The answer is yes. But I sure as hell am making up for it now. Maybe not the same way as I would have done 30 years, but it sure is enough for me, and Donner, too.


Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.


Ed and Donner



Thursday, May 20, 2021

Welcome to Tina and D'Andre

 Today's warm (and I mean 92 degree warm) welcome goes out to Tina and D'Andre, proud parents of two cats (or is it three?, a small chihuahua they don't count as a dog, and four lovely daughters, all with birthdays.

Here is the reference to my day-of-week blog.